#rewindreview: Bhramabull ‘Evolution 5’ EP 2024


Enter Bhramabull a beat maker, producer from Los Angeles California who QUANTUM LEAP RADIO was introduced to though Digiwaxx’s ‘New Music Wednesday’s.’ His production has a vibe for those cruising down highways but also ready for the ear that loves music from the Griselda camp but with drums for that thumping feeling. To display his production, Bhramabull has a series of EP’s called ‘Evolution…’ On Part 5 of these releases the audience can get a true feeling of Bhramabull’s style along with some current heavy hitters in HOP’s underground. Expect to find verses from Big Twin, Raz Fresco, WateRR and The Musalini who is featured on ‘Fly,’ a song indicative of cruising down said highway mentioned earlier. Bhramabull is building his stock up and one should be ready to see his name featured on future releases from a myriad of artist in the HOP. Check out ‘Evolution 5’ and ponder who you would think he should collaborate with. What did you think of the album?

Singles include:
‘Rents Due’ & ‘Dust’

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