#rewindreview: Lord Finesse ‘Return Of The Funky Man’ (1992)


The second album from the ‘Funky Man’ Lord Finesse was literally a return to what he had already given on his debut album ‘Funky Technician’ with D.J. Mike Smooth. By 1992 HOP music was becoming even more popular and with that comes a change in sound and content. The weird thing about that year was with the success of West Coast “gangsta rap,” rappers outside those borders had to shift and sound more edgy to compete. On ‘Return Of The Funky Man’ Lord Finesse seems caught in this quagmire which prevents this record from having the flare his previous album had by just being in the moment and having fun. This album at times felt like Finesse was trying to overcompensate for the change of hardcore content in HOP music. ‘Return Of the Funky Man’ is still a solid release but it also leans too much on what made the previous album work with certain songs sounding like a carbon copy of tracks off ‘Funky Technician.’ Production is handled by the D.I.T.C. crew which include Showbiz, Diamond D. and Lord Finesse himself, with some outside production from D.J. Aladdin and some early production work from Shafiq Husayn on ‘Save That Ish.’ Lord Finesse is really trying to make a statement with this album of being an elite M.C. The majority of the tracks are more competitive rap content but also the “underestimated” narrative most people can relate to whether it be in relationships or career success. It might not be Lord Finesse’s best album but the record opened the door for M.C.’s like Percee P., Shel Rumble, Harry-O and the up and coming D.I.T.C. member A.G. Lord Finesse clearly learned from this album and “trimmed the fat” for ‘The Awakening’ that would be released a few years later. Would did you think of the album?

Singles include:
‘Return Of The Funky Man’ & ‘Party Over Here’

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