In this day, and age of Hip-Hop, we’ve come to the terms of either we accept Hip-Hop Artists giving us fluff for the music, or we truly respect the volume of authenticity, and talent within a project. For Rapsody; a very lyrical and talented Hip Hop artist from North Carolina has really come into her own stardom with her latest project; “Please Don’t Cry”. The project has the most complete, highly diverse in terms of beats productions, and ov erall music that has ever been in a Hip-Hop album in a very long time. Also, she has definitely went on a verge of giving us 22 (YES, 22!!!!) tracks of fantastic music to a point where you the listener will have no choice, but to respect who Rapsody is.
During this review, I will express the GOOD, BAD, & #ReemoApproved. Also, you will take a look at the exclusive interview that I did with Rapsody, and truly watch, as well as her our converstion that the Hip Hop Culture would definitely love to admire, be inspired, and share amongst the Hip-Hop Community.
The Good:
I must say as a fan and contributor within the Hip Hop Culture. I was highly impressed of the 22 Track Album with No Skips (Yes, I’ve said it….NO SKIPS!!!!) and on a 3 day span listened to the album 5 times. Also, the features are legendary; Eryka Badu (3:AM), HitBoy (Asteroids), Niko Brim (Raw, Niko’s Interlude), Alex Isley (Loose Rocks), and last but not least the incomparable, sensational, and highly talented; Phylicia Rashad on the track, as well as throughout the album speaking to the artist. The productions on the album are phenomenal, and the beat selections for the album blend perfectly. If you are a fan of her music, she definitely did not disappoint.
The Bad:
Added more pressure to the playing field, and landscape of Hip Hop.
The #ReemoApproved:
Honestly, made me an omega stan of her. I really see the magnitude, and value of the album as like Nispey Hussle’s “Victory Lap” , Kendrick Lemar’s “Damn”, Jay-Z’s Hard Knock Life: Volume 2, or Dare I say what DMX did in 1998 combined with “It’s Dark and Hell Is Hot” along with “Flesh Of my Flesh, Blood Of My Blood” in retrospect of it sparking their STARDOM within their careers. #TrustTheReemo on this one #MyCreatives this album is definitely the one for 2024.
As per usual #MyCreatives, ON TO THE NEXT!!!!!

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