#rewindreview: Moka Only ‘Road Life’ 2000

  Yet another cog in the machine that is Moka Only’s almost one-hundred album discography; ‘Road Life’ is a collection of thoughts and beats from the Vancouver, British Columbia M.C. and producer. This was my second album from Moka Only after buying his album ‘Lime Green’ and one of the first albums I purchased online through the long standing Sandboxautomatic website. What I appreciated the most about ‘Road Life’ was how free it was in terms of “Moke’s” approach. Much like the album cover, the music feels like he is recording this while being nomadic and coming across unique experiences along the way. From this album one can ascertain that Moka Only’s influence are more Native Tongue than Deathrow records, but tracks like ‘Knockin’ Like This’ and ‘Madness’ still project a hint of the hardcore HOP music the M.C. has in him. For those not used to Moka Only, the length of this release might seem intimidating with twenty-five tracks at seventy-three minutes. It should be noted that during the days of purchasing physical albums that length felt like one was getting their money’s worth, especially if the album was consistent with what one wanted to hear. Moka Only has a vast discography and if looking to go down that rabbits hole, ‘Road Life’ is a good start but beware some ears may get caught in the habitat of the “Durable Mammal.” What did you think of the album? Listen to QUANTUM LEAP RADIO every Saturday from 4-6p.m. CST & Thursday from 3-5a.m. CST on 90.1 FM KPFT Houston in HD2 Worldwide @kpft.org/listen/ & TuneIn app (under “kpft in HD2”) Catch past episodes by searching and following @fanlink.to/QuantumLeapRadio

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